TeenEagle Clubs 

Want to learn about TeenEagle Clubs? 

Welcome to TeenEagle Club, where learning English becomes an adventure! 

TeenEagle clubs are a great way to get students involved and excited about practising English.

 Away from the typical grammar books, TeenEagle uses popular films and novels to engage students, and have them practising their language skills. 

Our UNDP goals connection is worked into all materials and plans, giving teachers an easy way to enhance their clubs, have real discussions about the world and do action projects that can have a big impact.

Why Choose to set up a TeenEagle Club? 

Enhanced Learning
Our programs help students move beyond conventional grammar exercises and engage with English through popular films and novels. 
Teacher Support

With ready-made plans and materials, our programs are easy to implement and adapt to your school's needs.

TeenEagle Zoom Club 

All Club students also benefit from a weekly, online class with our teachers, to give them a chance to hear other voices, dialects and vocabulary sets from around the world.

It’s Free!

All of our materials and support are free for teachers and students. Teachers and Schools can decide if they want to set their clubs up at a charge or not, but TeenEagle materials and zoom clubs are free for all Eagles!

CLIL programmes like TeenEagle Clubs give students the ingredients needed to really learn and retain information. 
Our English-language competitions are open worldwide, fostering collaboration, diversity, and creativity. Accredited and certified by Brooke House College, TeenEagle offers more than just prizes; it equips participants with invaluable skills for real-world scenarios on an international scale. We build partnerships with teachers, schools, and academic institutions, providing unique opportunities for professional development and global recognition. 
Why an Eagle

The eagle, a symbol of power and leadership, inspires us at TeenEagle. Its flight, representing bravery and independence, mirrors our commitment to helping students be brave, honest, and capable of incredible achievements. We aim to provide a bird’s-eye view of the world where everyone has equal opportunities and works together.


Ready to bring TeenEagle Clubs to your school? 

Contact Us today to learn more and get started!

Clubs can have many shapes and sizes, and it all depends on what works for your school. 

Let’s dive into the variety of ways TeenEagle can support schools and students.

 TeenEagle Clubs

How to Set Up A Club:

Get your learners interested by showing them our TeenEagle for Students presentation.

Register yourself as a teacher, and your learners as students on our portal here.

Go through our available Teacher Packs and download.

 Set up a meeting with our team if you need help here.

 Get Parents on board (if your club will not be free, you’ll need to convince parents) by setting up a school presentation with our team!

TeenEagle Club Materials

Below are samples of some of the great materials we have in our portal for teachers to use when setting up TeenEagle Clubs.