
TeenEagle has been searching for you; now you can help people find us!

We’re partnering with ambassadors, influencers and teachers world-wide, to expand our reach and help our TeenEagle Global Competitions grow. 

  • If you have a strong and loyal following online or are connected to a school or other educational organization, you may be a perfect fit!
  • If you’re an influencer or applying as a social media ambassador, please ensure all platforms/handles are correctly written. 
  • If you’re a teacher, please ensure you’ve noted your 
    school / school system and the related details. 

All you need to do is fill out the form below, and we’ll get in touch

How it works

  • TeenEagle invites you to a brief onboarding meeting, wherein you learn exactly what we do and how it all works.
  • We go through our agreement and commission plans with you.
  • You’re given a bank of assets you can choose to use if you wish.
  • Lastly, you’re given a unique code that links any leads to you in our system, and also gives your leads a discount on our online and global finals competitions.  It’s a win-win!
  • You promote TeenEagle through your channels. Easy as that.

A note from a TeenEagle Ambassador:

“I’ve been a TeenEagle ambassador for just a short time, and already I’ve seen a great reaction, both from my social media channels and my real-life school connections. The competitions are so interesting for students, and they really enjoy participating. All I do is get the information out there.”

Monica, Egypt 


Schools, administrators, agents and teachers can be official TeenEagle partners. Our global partners help us to expand our reach by connecting with educational agencies, schools and students in their region and explaining the benefits of TeenEagle.  

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please feel out the form and we will contact you for a zoom session, wherein all of the details will be shared. 

Become a Partner

TeenEagle Global Finals 2025 Locations:

Türkiye (Regional)

Sponsor our Programs

Teen Eagle UK is seeking sponsors and partners to help us grow and reach as many global participants as possible. Our competition, acclaimed in many countries globally, brings young people together to grow their skills, share ideas and have amazing experiences. Our commitment to collaboration, global impacts and the sharing of cultures and ideas, makes a partnership with Teen Eagle a great way to align your organisation with the next generation of global citizens and sharp thinkers.

Please reach out to Mechelle ( or Matt ( to discuss partnership opportunities or ways you can sponsor participants in future Olympiads

You can read more about partnership options and opportunities to sponsor below:

Why become a sponsor 

Our sponsors play a pivotal role in the success of our projects and events, sharing mutual goals. We are honoured to offer a platform to highlight your services to a specific audience. Sponsoring TeenEagle allows you to assume a​ prominent, highly visible role in educating young minds globally.  

Promoting a positive brand

Aligning with TeenEagle enables you to demonstrate to your partners and customers your commitment to modernising education and providing students and teachers opportunities to expand their academic and professional horizons.

Increasing your brand awareness and reaching broader audiences

 TeenEagle collaborates with educational companies and schools in over 50 countries worldwide. This partnership helps you reach a broader audience globally, especially in the educational sector.

Gaining feedback and understanding industry trends

Aligning with TeenEagle enables you to demonstrate to your partners and customers your commitment to modernising education and providing students and teachers opportunities to expand their academic and professional horizons.

How your sponsorship will help

We need sponsors like you to ensure that talented young people the world over have the chance to attend our competitions. While many are online, and have nominal fees, our global finals are in amazing locations all over the globe. Your sponsorship will help us grant scholarships to those who otherwise would not have been able to attend such an event. Additionally, sponsors help us to keep our overall costs lower for all attendees.

Grants and Opportunities from TeenEagle

With our commitment to our global community, TeenEagle sponsors participants from all over the world to attend our Olympiads with partial or full scholarships.

All scholarships are given out based on availability for that year, and as we grow our own sponsors, the amount of participants we’ll be able to support will increase.

In order to apply for, or refer a student to our sponsorship program, please follow the guidelines below.

All scholarships are granted based on that year’s project essay, wherein students are asked to choose one of our Global Im'pacts' for that year, and write an essay.

TeenEagle Global Im'pacts' are our promises to ourselves, and each other, voted on by our Eagles. As we use the UNDP sustainable development goals in our projects and resources, our own pacts to be better and do better are important for our global community.

202​4’s Global Im'pacts'

Inclusivity  for all

ensuring accessibility for all, and championing organisations that do the same

Kindness as a first resort

stepping into situations with our first and foremost goal being kindness

One Green thing a week

stepping into situations with our first and foremost goal being kindness

To enter:

Choose one Global Im‘pact’ and write a 1-page essay outlining the following:

o   Why that particular pact is important for you/ how it affects your life

o   What you do to try and follow that pact

o   An idea of how you could get your school/neighbourhood involved and spread the Global Im'pact' farther.

Submit essays to, with the subject line "Global Im'pact' Essay"